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Director: Margit Atzler | Producer: Margit Atzler, Roman Sorger
Genre: Documentary | Produced In: 2012 | Story Teller's Country: Austria

Synopsis: Within the flow of life is a film about the equilibrium on earth, between nature, mankind, politics and business – a film about how all being is connected. The World Wanderer Gregor Siebock takes us on a fantastic journey to “Patagonia Magica” in Chile, one of the last truly wild places on Earth. There we question the existing paradigm of economic growth as sole indicator for quality of life – using the example of the mega-damming project HidroAysén. We get to know individual ways of life and people that live in harmony with nature, in harmony with their own nature, gratefully and joyfully.

see Movie via Cultue Unplugged

Copyright Picture http://www.openheart.at/thefilm

Copyright Picture http://www.openheart.at/thefilm

Tag(s) : #Nature, #Economy, #Wisdom, #Consciousness, #Environment
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