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How do we live in a complex, uncertain and unpredictable world? How do we embrace not knowing? via Nuna Da Silva Blog Humankind has been on a millenary quest to understand the world and it’s underlying rules and properties, with the hope to predict the...

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Tag(s) : #Paradigm Shift, #Awarness, #LiveWork, #Change, #Spirituality, #innermanagement, #Mind-Brain, #Transformation, #Psychologie, #Integral, #Wisdom, #Emotional Intelligence, #Evolution

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! via Yoga Summit by Shift Network Source Screenshot Prime Minister Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India Narendra...

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Tag(s) : #Consciousness, #Paradigm Shift, #Awarness, #LiveWork, #Spirituality, #innermanagement, #Transformation, #Mind-Brain, #Integral, #Ethic, #Health, #Wisdom, #History, #Philosophie

In Brief Neuroplasticity is the idea that we can shape our brains mentally and physically through controlling our stimulus. Meditation and physical exercise have been shown as two of the most effective ways of doing this. via Futurism Newsletter Reference...

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We the People of the United States are in need of a renewed federal government, reestablished on the enduring principles that our nation was founded upon: liberty, justice, and equality for all. A government “of the people, by the people, and for the...

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Tag(s) : #Culture, #Wisdom, #History, #Politic