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Residents of earth are becoming more conscious in two primary areas. Source: Phillip J. Watt, Contributor Waking Times The first relates to the way in which our planetary social system has been hijacked into a scam to predominately benefit a select few...

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Tag(s) : #Consciousness, #Awarness, #Science, #Future, #Pionier, #Ecology, #Environment, #Spirituality, #Civilization, #Transformation, #Culture, #Wisdom, #Evolution, #Elderhood

The Sooner Now is a joint initiative by FvF and MINI fostering collective imaginations of urban futures. Source FvF Mini via Eeventbrite Newsletter The Sooner Now is a forum for innovative and inspiring projects contributing to a better life in the city....

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Tag(s) : #Future, #Awarness, #Technic, #LiveWork, #Change, #Cultural Creatives, #Architecture-Cityplaning, #Environment, #Innovation, #Culture, #Design, #Art

Dealing with unpredictability requires what one Harvard psychologist has called a “self-transforming mind.” Here’s how to develop one. Source FastCompany Blog by Liz Alexander In the 1930s, long before machine learning was anything more than a figment...

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Tag(s) : #Paradigm Shift, #Consciousness, #Awarness, #Science, #Future, #LiveWork, #Change, #LeadershipCulture, #innermanagement, #Transformation, #Mind-Brain, #Psychologie, #Integral